Call Your Panda第九季燃情回归!中法“熊猫奇缘”竟可以追溯到155年前?!

2024-10-22 20:27:23来源:四川国际传播中心编辑:牛霄


When the adorable pandas meet French romance, what kind of sparks will they create?

在中法建交60年之际,法国当地时间2024年10月22日,四川国际传播中心在法国巴黎举办 “熊猫论坛”中法文化交流活动,以大熊猫为切口,共话两国在生物多样性保护、环境保护等方面的合作故事,书写又一个川法新时刻。

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France, Sichuan International Communication Center will hold the "Panda Forum" Sino-French Cultural Exchange Event in Paris, France, on October 22, 2024. Taking giant pandas as the focal point, the event aims to share stories of cooperation between the two countries in biodiversity protection and environmental conservation, writing another new chapter in Sichuan-France relations.


Giant pandas, loved by all around the world, are ambassadors of friendship that connect and heal the world. The ninth season of the #CallYourPanda global social media challenge, themed "Panda Stories," starts from the giant panda exchanges between China and France and extends to cooperation stories on ecological and environmental protection between provinces and cities  of the two countries. Together, we tell the story of green friendship between China and France in actively promoting the protection of endangered animals and ecological environments, strengthening cooperation on this basis, improving environmental quality, and promoting sustainable development of the world economy.


You might wonder, what's so special about the "Panda Stories" between China and France?


Do you know that the "Panda Connection" between China and France is not a sudden event; it can be traced back to a scientific adventure 155 years ago? In 1869, the French naturalist Armand David made an astonishing discovery in Baoxing County, Sichuan Province, bringing the adorable national treasure, the giant panda, into the world's view for the first time. In 1973, the Chinese government gifted a pair of giant pandas, "Yan Yan" and "Li Li," to France, which became a sweet symbol of Sino-French friendship. Currently, at the Beauval Zoo in France, the giant pandas "Huan Huan" and "Yuan Zi", along with their offspring, have melted the hearts of the French public and become super stars connecting the emotions of the people of the two countries!


To date, the Beauval Zoo in France, French "Pambassador" Jérôme Pouille, International Communication Centers of Gansu, Yunnan, Jiangxi, Ningbo, Jinan, Yancheng and Aba have participated in the creative poster production. Thirteen illustrated bilingual (Chinese and French) posters have been produced, expanding from the "Panda Stories" between China and France and vividly telling the stories of ecological protection cooperation between various provinces and cities in China and France in recent years.


This joint event has attracted likes and shares from over 30 central and provincial international communication media, and interactions from netizens in France, the United Kingdom, Japan, South Korea, Brazil, and other countries.


Through the global social media challenge of #CallYourPanda, we have seen stories of ecological and environmental protection cooperation between various regions in China and France, and felt the enthusiasm of global netizens for the growth of giant pandas and ecological conservation. This trans-temporal 'Panda Connection' has built numerous green bridges across time and space, making giant pandas, messengers of peace and friendship, become the bond connecting different cultures and hearts, and showing the infinite possibilities for future cooperation. From the scientific discovery 155 years ago to the globally cherished species today, the story of giant pandas is a vivid portrayal of the joint efforts made by China, France, and other countries around the world to create a green future together.

